FRIDAY ROUND UP // Favourite Pins This Week


This Friday Round Up is inspired by the beginning of fall! It always seems to be our shortest season (it’s already snowing in parts of Canada!) so maybe that’s why we feel the need to jump in heels first and change our decor, wardrobe + Starbucks order.

What ever the reason, we are not complaining! Keep scrolling to see our fave fall pins…


Pumpkin Overload


(We warned you!)

Fall + Brunch…is there a better match? (No)

Nothing tells people you love fall like a curbside packed with pumpkins in all shapes + sizes.


We love all the fall colours, especially because they are inspired by nature doing it’s thing. But we must say, all white pumpkins paired with woven textures combines the fall feel with a clean + crispy palette…and that is a combination we can never resist.


It wouldn’t be a real fall round up without some baking. These brown sugar glazed apple cinnamon baked donuts look like they would take longer to say than to eat. And that is what fall is all about right?!

Bonfires, hot chocolate, fallen leaves, moccasins, boots, blankets. Every detail in this scene is the essence of fall.

Wishing you the coziest, comfiest, yummiest fall ever!

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